You drink wine
Until you are
Under the streetlight in the night.
In a park
Where children once played
Your words
are misconstrued
and you talk like you know
what is right.
You say we are endless
yet definite
immortal yet doomed.
You tell me we are all heading
for certain death
“We will rot!” you shout
And the statues stand tall
Once men of great virtue
Immortalized and encased by stone
The world spins as your words
Slur into speech
You talk of purity and
the fall from grace
You speak with such certainty
With a voice that commands
Your expression is strong
Yet your shoes
Remain untied
You’re a series of limericks
A book of lines
A page full of contradictions
You say “they” are leading us
“They” have a plan for us
“We are all sheep in one heard”
Yet when the sun breaks dawn
You turn to me and ask
“Where will I sleep tonight?”