Tuesday, 21 January 2014


Has my canary lost his voice?
Do we evacuate these mines?
Everlasting hope
Now speaks with a croak
You're a magpie
Frantically screeching under the influence of rock and folk

Park Life

You drink wine
 Until you are blind
Under the streetlight in the night.
In a park
Where children once played
Your words
are misconstrued
and you talk like you know
what is right.

You say we are endless
yet definite
immortal yet doomed.
You tell me we are all heading
for certain death

“We will rot!” you shout

And the statues stand tall
Once men of great virtue
Immortalized and encased by stone

The world spins as your words
Slur into speech
You talk of purity and
the fall from grace

You speak with such certainty
With a voice that commands
Your expression is strong
Yet your shoes
 Remain untied

You’re a series of limericks
A book of lines
A page full of contradictions

You say “they” are leading us
“They” have a plan for us
“We are all sheep in one heard”

Yet when the sun breaks dawn
You turn to me and ask

“Where will I sleep tonight?”

Young Love

Our lives once resembled a fictional love story. You know those stories you see on an overstretched canvas with glowing skin and parting lips as lovers exchange affections. In theatres, audiences are wide-eyed and grinning, staring at the successions of movements, stupefied and absorbing this portrayal of “true love”.

 Retrospectively, we emulated those wide screen romances. We had our love letters and songs, phone calls and e-mails; we exhausted all of our resources with the sole intention to shout out across this vast and expanding world, those three famous words: “I Love You!” Our love persisted, overcoming long distances and lack of engagement. I would daydream of the day you and I would reunite in a home of our own. I saw our picturesque lifestyle unfold in my mind while I drew hearts around your name in my paperback notebook.

But now I see that all of this was a farce, a hoax, a dream of happily ever after that obviously could not match up with reality. We grew apart. You have your band and I found a new man... perhaps this one will be worth dreaming for.