Friday, 13 July 2018

Interview with Bree Mills: Director, Writer and Producer for Gamma Films

Now that Bree Mills has moved from Montreal to Los Angeles in order to conduct our interview I had to e-mail her my questions. Please note that these are very basic and rudimentary questions; however, I felt like here would be the best place to post them as I am only re-tracing my interests in journalism. Enjoy!


Hello Bree Mills, it is an utmost please to correspond with you! As we had previously agreed upon, I would like to periodically send you questions as a character development piece. So let's start off with the basics!

1. Where were you born?
Boston, Mass, USA but grew up in Ontario, Canada

2. What high school did you go to?
Central Secondary School in London, Ontario, CA

3. When did you first start working for Gamma Films?
September 2009 as a Marketing Manager for our former live cam business

4. What was your introduction to producing within the adult world? Filming? Writing? etc.
I spent my first 5 years in the company working in marketing ... growing from the first position with live cams to becoming Marketing Director for the company.  My first foray into adult production was when writing and producing our first Gamma productions back in 2012.

5. When did you move to LA?
 I moved to LA in September 2016.

6. Married? Kids? Pets?
 I'm married to Sara Luvv, a former adult performer and award-winning actress.  We have a daughter, two cats, and a dog.

Hopefully within a month or two's time I will send off some follow up questions that way we can slowly but surely, unravel what and who is... Bree Mills!