Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Responses to editorials

**For my response I'm going to refer to the editorials by numbers so 1is Mastio: Dead bodies demand organic food moratorium by david Mastio and 2 is Karen Levy's "Let's Ask the Right Questions about Organics and Health**

1. What was compelling? Was there a good hook?
I found the first editorial to be more compelling for it automatically grabbed my attention with a good hook mentioning death by eating organic bean sprouts. Meanwhile the second article didn't strike my attention. It had a family oriented hook which I cannot relate to. Mastio's shocked me where as Levy's bored me. 

2. Did the author make concessions? 
3. Is there a one sentence statement of the author's position?

For the second article had a clear one sentence statement where she says that people should eat organic. The first article doesn't have a clear statement 

4. Supporting details, research stats

5. Strong conclusion, recall hook? 
6. Call to action

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